A high-performing sports team

High performance is to a significant part about building a team of high performers.

We therefore maintain highest standards in hiring, but are equally rigorous in promoting and letting go. The goal for everyone inside Newtone is not to show adequate performance, but exceptional performance in their role.

We are not a family. We are like a professional sports team that wants to make their way from the lower divisions into the Champions League, with the exception that we do not have a limited number of seats.

This means we actively help each other in achieving excellence, and are all responsible for high standards throughout the company.

Attracting and retaining high performers

We aim to attract and retain high performers by paying competitive packages (salary + equity). While we may also provide benefits, we prioritize pay because this allows us to decide freely how to spend our money.

High performance

Performance is measured primarily in outcome and impact. Effort and output are means, not ends. E.g. we do not measure ourselves primarily by:

  1. how many hours we work (effort)
  2. how many lines of code we write / how many meetings we book (output)

but rather by:

  1. how the new feature A has increases weekly usage (outcome)
  2. how the new feature A generates new revenue from 3 more clients (impact)

This doesn’t mean that effort & output are not questioned when outcomes and impact are below expectations.